100% vegan meal replacement powder - with no added sugars!
Nupo One Meal +Prime Chocolate Bliss is a 100% vegan meal replacement powder. In addition to, the active ingredients from natures own sources for weight loss – with no added sugars! 6 meals w. water.9 meals w. milkThis vegan meal replacement is a powerful blend of plant-based protein including all essential amino acids. Moreover, a high amount of fibers and active ingredients from nature’s own sources support your fat metabolism and a successful weight loss.In addition to 24 vital vitamins and minerals, you will get the benefits from the unique blend of the carefully selected ingredients Guarana, Cola Nut, and Chromium. As well as an infusion with a dust of Green Tea.To clarify, used as a meal replacement twice a day in the context of an energy-restricted diet, the Nupo One Meal +Prime Powder contributes to weight loss*.*Substituting one daily meal of an energy-restricted diet with a meal replacement contributes to the maintenance of weight after weight loss. Substituting two daily meals of an energy-restricted diet with meal replacements contributes to weight loss. It is important to maintain a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Resnični ljudje. Resnične zgodbe o uspehu.
Spoznajte izjemne zgodbe, v katerih ljudje delijo svoje izkušnje s preobrazbo - s povečano ravnjo energije, izboljšanim spancem in novo pridobljeno samozavestjo.
Naj vas njihove zgodbe navdihnejo in spodbudijo, da začnete svojo pot do uspeha.
Potrjeno s strani dietetikov in strokovnjakov
Vegansko | Brez laktoze | Brez jajc | Brez soje | Brez oreščkov | Brez glutena | Brez dodanih sladkorjev | Brez GSO |